How Laser Caps Can Help Grow Your Hair
The hair on your head can either be prideful or dreadful. There is really no in between. If you have a full head of hair, I am sure you like to flaunt it around and show off its sleek healthiness. If you are balding or have thinning hair, it can be a real headache to deal with. Although it may seem difficult to get your hair back to its healthiest stage where you can be proud to show it off, there are some devices on the market that can help you do this. Laser caps can help grow your hair whether it is balding/thinning or just to help make it thicker and fuller. Read more below to find out more on the best laser caps on the market and how they work to improve your hair health and growth.
What Are Laser Caps?
Laser caps are a device used extensively in the hair growth industry to support individuals suffering from hair loss or thinning, or individuals looking to make their hair thicker. These devices are worn just like a baseball cap on your head. The technology used in the caps is low level light therapy. This therapy is penetrated into the scalp tissue of the head and stimulates the cells to increase hair growth. The caps are worn every other day for a 30-minute time frame and are FDA-cleared. There are no known side effects from using this device and it is a hands free, convenient way to get your hair to its healthiest stage. Wear it in the comfort of your own home whenever is best for you!
How is Low Level Light Therapy Used in The Caps?
Low level light therapy is a technology that was founded in the 1960’s through the use of low level lasers. The lasers placed in the hair growth caps use photons to stimulate the problematic areas on the scalp. By doing this, the dead/old cells are absorbed through the light, leaving room for new cells to grow and prosper. The stimulation of blood flow by this therapy encourages the cells to produce new growth on the head. It can take up to several months to see noticeable results.
Do Laser Caps Work?
Yes, laser caps do work. There have been several scientific studies reported that saw new hair growth. As technology progresses, I predict that the results will be even better. Several laser hair cap companies have testimonials that prove these caps are effective. And, with being FDA-cleared you can assure yourself that they are also safe to use.
If you are at a point in your life where your hair is letting you down, do not hesitate to purchase one of these caps. They have provided results for thousands of individuals all over the world. Maybe they can do the same for you.