How to Combat Back Pain
Back pain is an extremely common ailment, but in its worst stages it can become debilitating. A strained muscle typically improves in several days or weeks, but without adequate rest and remedies, it can become a long-term health complaint. There are many causes of back pain, some of which are more severe than others including a slipped disk, sciatica, or ankylosing spondylitis.
If you’re struggling with back pain, there are many remedies you can try aside from medication to ease the pain and enable you to live more comfortably.
Here are some methods you may like to try out to combat pain and discomfort.
Invest in a beanie chair
While beanie bag chairs make a fun addition to your home interior, they also have ergonomic qualities which are beneficial to those who suffer from back pain. It is often a misconception that sitting straight is the best posture to prevent and relieve pain in the neck and spine; however, a bean bag chair provides optimum support from the hips up to the shoulders. As such, back pain sufferers may even discover that it is much more comfortable to sleep in a beanie chair than on their usual mattress. You can discover the best green bean bags here.
Stay active
You may believe that resting as much as possible is the best way to alleviate back pain, however, medical professionals advise keeping active, as it is shown to relieve pressure and pain. You don’t have to do anything too strenuous. It could be as simple as going for a short walk at various points throughout the day, or a combination of simple stretches.
If you suffer from long-term back pain, it may be worth visiting a physiotherapist who will be able to teach you specific exercises that focus on strengthening your back muscles and tackling nerve pain. Studies have proven that the more you stretch and move, the quicker the pain should decrease over time.
Increase your calcium intake
One of the most common causes of back pain later in life is a joint condition known as osteoporosis. However, the sooner you start consuming calcium, the less likely your bones will become weak and brittle. Calcium is found in milk, yogurt, and vegetables which can easily be implemented into your diet; however, you could also talk to your GP about taking vitamin supplements.
While pain may cause you to stiffen up and feel stressed, staying relaxed is key to easing back pain. Massages by trained therapists can target areas of stiffness to loosen muscle tension, while holistic practices such as yoga and mindfulness are great for boosting your mood and helping you feel calmer and in control of your condition.
Adapt your everyday lifestyle
When you’re living with chronic pain, sometimes you have to hold your hands up and accept that you may not be able to do the activites you once did. Don’t push yourself too hard. Pace yourself and learn to understand the limitations of your body. Not only will this reduce any pain, but it could also prevent underlying conditions from worsening in the years ahead.