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Get Ready for Your Psychic Reading

Getting a psychic reading can help you and give you guidance and clarity on your past, present, or future life. You can get answers that you need on your job, your relationships, and what life journey you should take.

If you decide to get a mediumship reading, you will be able to connect with the spiritual world and gain the closure you need. This can help you feel hope and healing in your life.

Online Versus In-Person Psychic Reading

There are differences between online and in-person reading, but both are beneficial to you. If you schedule a reading online, you need to make sure that your internet is good and that you have a quiet place that you won't be distracted.

During an online psychic reading, you can record your session so that you can listen to it as often as you need to.

Doing a reading in person means that you need to arrive on time and schedule the meeting and the place where you want the reading done. You can record your reading if you want and dot it on your phone. Make sure that you have a plan for recording things before you go so that you don't take a bunch of extra time.

Getting Ready for Your Reading

Here are some things you can do before you have your reading:

  • Set Your Intentions

Think about what you want to get out of the reading and really think it through. Prepare the questions that you are going to ask so that you can use them for your reading and not have to remember them. Make sure that you list your questions in order from most important to least important so that you can ask them before you run out of time.

  • Ask for the Spirits to Come

If you are getting a mediumship reading and you want your loved ones to show up, take time before your reading to meditate and ask them to come to the reading. This can take some time, but if you ask them, they might show up.

  • Record or Take Notes

Decide if you want to record your reading or take notes. Know ahead of time if you are going to do this so that you can be prepared. If you want to take notes, you can, but it might be hard to keep up. The best idea is to record the session so you cannot be distracted by writing.

  • Asking Your Questions

Take time to write down the questions you will ask. Sometimes, the questions will all be answered, and sometimes, there won't be enough time. Be clear with what you want to know before going to your reading. Ensure you have the questions written out so you don't forget them.

  • Plan Your Space

If you decide to do an online reading, make sure that you plan out your space so that you aren't getting distracted. Find a quiet place where you can sit and a place that has good internet so that you don't get cut out of your reading. If you are meeting with a loved one or a spirit, you don't want to get distracted or lose their energy by losing your internet connection or having someone come in the room.

  • Cleanse the Energies

Cleanse your energies and the energies of your space if you are going to do an online reading. Doing this can help you to feel settled and calm. If you've been stressed lately, this is especially important to have the best reading.

Come as you are and try to be grounded and meditate before you go to the reading. If it's your first meeting, you might feel a little stressed and anxious, but you will see that you can get past it.

During Your Psychic Reading

Here are some things that you can do during your psychic reading!

  • Be Open Minded

Make sure that you have an open mind when you're going to get a reading. Being open-minded allows you to hear what your psychic is trying to tell you. The psychic will communicate with you, and the information that you get might not be what you want at the time or what you're expecting. Don't get upset with the information that you get; allow the psychic to tell you whatever comes through.

  • Relax and Be Calm

Be calm and relaxed when you go to your reading. This will help you not be distracted and help you have a good plan. Schedule your time and ensure a quiet space and a good connection.

  • Emotions Are Okay!

Remember, a reading can be emotional, and you might cry or feel certain things. This is okay. You must allow yourself to feel the emotions in the moment and process what you are feeling. If you are getting a mediumship reading because you are grieving, you might cry, and you can let these things out so that you can heal.

  • Talk

Talk to your psychic and answer them when they ask you things. You can answer them during your reading. Don't be afraid if something doesn't make sense to you, and tell them.

  • Don't Let Your Phone Disturb You

Phones can distract you when you are getting a reading, and if you want the best one, the best thing that you can do is to put your phone away and have it silenced. This can help you pay total attention to the reading and not be bothered when getting information.

  • Asking Your Questions

Since you have the questions already written down, you will be able to ask them. You will want to look at your questions and make sure that they all get answers. If you forget to ask something during your reading, don't be upset; just mark it so that you can ask it next time.

After Your Psychic Reading

After your psychic reading here are some things that you can do!

  • Self-Care

After you process what the reading gave you then you need to make sure that you practice self-care. Take a salt bath, talk to a therapist, or take a nap. Doing this can help you to develop and to be stronger after a hard reading.

  • Journal

Journal everything that happened in the reading and the things that you felt or thought while getting it or afterwards. Journal the things that you really want to remember, and make sure that you keep the journal.

  • Using Intuition

Use your intuition to guide you, and learn to trust yourself. A psychic can help you to connect with your intuition and this can guide you down the right path during your reading and afterwards. Let the information that comes to you be tested by your intuition. Learn more about who you are as you learn to trust yourself.

  • Wait Before Doing Another Session

Most clients will wonder when they should get a second psychic reading and the truth is that you will know the right time. Everyone is different and sometimes people don't get another reading for up to a year. You want to let the information that you got from this reading to sink in and to show itself.

Coming back to a reading too fast can mean that you are not listening to your psychic or your intuition. The goal isn't to leave you dependent on a psychic either and you need to make sure that you are taking care of yourself and that you are learning from yourself along the way.