Make Up Your Mind About Permanent Makeup with These Benefits
Lure your attention away from conventional makeup to find these amazing benefits of permanent makeup!
Your enthusiasm for makeup has probably driven you to explore more today. A makeup guru says you probably need to have a closet or drawer full of different shades of lipsticks, eyebrow pencils, used eyeshadow palettes, and blushes.
Traditionally, makeup is an art form and you apply it the way you like it with conventional makeup. It takes up loads of time to figure out the right shades for your skin to be able to properly highlight your beauty. Each one of you is an artist so you spend hours perfecting it.
We are here to ease the process by introducing some of the benefits of permanent makeup.
1. Minimize Your Cosmetic Expenses
The thing about permanency is the fact that you can reduce temporary purchases and save money. Think about it, would you need to purchase cosmetic products if you have flawless eyebrows? The answer is no. Similarly, having permanent makeup for your lips or permanent eyeliner can amount to large savings.2. Save Time
It’s time to face the truth! We are not all granted the amazing gift of applying the perfect makeup. If you aren’t born with the genes to draw perfect lines over your eyes, it may end up killing most of your time just to master it. As much as we love it, applying makeup perfectly is a time-consuming skill. This is where the permanent makeup shows up! Using permanent makeup can limit your work to just cleaning and moisturizing it. Of course, you always have the freedom to apply shades on your eyelids without using too much time and energy.
3. Instant Good looks
Waiting to look the way you want is a torturous game that no one likes to play - especially when it comes to your appearance. It is quite stressful to wait for cosmetic treatments to make the desired change. With the proper use of permanent makeup, you do not have to wait. The process is quite fast, for instance, after a pigment is put in, you will notice the change as soon as the treatment process is completed.
4. Minimize the Effects of Medical Conditions
There are many among us suffering from different medical conditions. You may have lost hair due to several treatments. With the help of permanent makeup, you can find an easy solution for the loss of your hair. Are you losing hair due to chemotherapy? Does it worry you? Don’t. The solution is pretty easy. Moreover, if you have not realized it yet, it is also a great solution for people with muscle pains or disorders. No more stressing out on regularly holding up makeup appliances with your sore muscles!
Feeling reassured after reading the amazing benefits of permanent makeup? Now the next question that must be hovering around your head is how to lighten your permanent makeup. Well, there are very few harmless ways to do so. Even so, you should consult your medical doctor.
Now let us see what we can do to help.
➤ Try the Heat
Exposing your skin to the sun is definitely more beneficial than you realize. You probably did not know that the heat from the sun can help melt away pigmentation. This is a time-consuming one but it is of course harmless. However, do not get too excited and overexpose yourself to the heat. The key is to have the right amount of heat to make sure it lightens the permanent makeup while keeping your skin normal and healthy.
➤ Saline by Professional
This is one of the solutions suggested by experts and professionals. This means that you can apply a saline solution only when it is approved and done by a professional who knows what they’re doing. Basically, this saline solution is positioned right above your permanent makeup. The salt helps break the pigmentation which then escapes from the surface of the skin. Sounds easy and harmless right? It is!
➤ Go for Laser
Surely you have heard of laser removal methods. A laser, with the help of light, can destroy the pigment on your skin. This method is not the most preferred one as it can be harmful if not done with great precaution. The outcomes are also heavily dependent on the strength of the tool. The more strongly built the laser and its wavelength, the better the results.
➤ Skincare Method
There are some ways to remove chemicals from your skin. This requires the help of an Esthetician. There are certain products that can help with it, such as Retinoids. This method also helps you remove the dead cells in your skin. It is better to talk to your preferred Esthetician before starting off. An Esthetician can perform procedures such as face creams, peels, and many more to care for your skin's topmost layers. These treatments can be repeated once or twice a month. Consult with your qualified Esthetician to determine the best approach for you.
➤ Patience
This is the toughest one I believe. You may have heard of the saying that nothing is permanent. Similar to permanent markers, your permanent makeup will not last forever. It does fade with time. It depends on your threshold of patience. Of course, there are some remedies to try at home which could speed up the process, such as swimming. Salt is a great pigmentation breaker as we have discussed above. There are some removal creams out there with great reviews to try as well. However, it is always safer to talk to your personal medical doctor before trying any of these methods.
This was helpful, wasn’t it? It is a great world to live in today where we can find such solutions as permanent makeup to save time and money while still looking great. However, do not get carried away. These solutions have their cons as well. We have mentioned a lot of precautions you must take before embarking on the journey to apply makeup to your face permanently!