Acne Face Mapping – How to Tell What Your Acne Means
Face mapping helps individuals determine what is causing acne breakouts by the location on the face. Face mapping is similar to the scene of the crime in determining where the acne is coming from and why. This article will discuss the causes and culprits for forehead acne, hairline acne, acne on your cheeks.
What is Acne?
Acne is an inflammatory skin condition that causes pimples on your body. The most common places for acne is the face, neck, back, shoulders, chest, and arms. There are more types acne, such as; Whiteheads, blackheads, pimples, cysts, and nodules. Acne effects more than 50 million people in America per year.
Acne Face Mapping Is Kind of a Myth...
According to ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic techniques, reoccurring pimples could be showing you something. There is no true evidence that proves these statements to be true despite the old sayings that ear acne is a sign of kidney problems, or that cheek acne is a sign of liver issues. The idea is upsetting, but it's exciting to know that face maps based on scientific help can prove these claims.
Forehead and Nose Acne
Acne on the forehead and nose are linked to oil and stress. A recent study on high school students determined that stress causes more acne. A study also reported that individuals who woke up tired showed signs of more acne. In an article, How to Get Rid of Forehead Acne, author Jake recommends keeping your skin clear of hair products, cleansing daily, and incorporating a chemical exfoliant. Stress and lack of sleep have been known to cause various cycles of acne issues. Practicing good hygiene and getting more sleep could help cure the problem areas. And another way to avoid acne on the nose and forehead is to stop touching your face. Touching your face spreads oils and dirt, which ultimately causes acne. Oil free acne wash is good for individuals with oily skin.
Acne on your Hairline
Acne that surrounds the hairline is also known as "pomade acne." This type of acne is caused by oil based hair products. These products keep natural oils in your hair follicles from escaping, and it builds up blockage which causes acne.
The best thing to do if you're continuously getting acne on your hairline is to stop using those products and washing your face after shampooing your hair. There are products you can purchase to unblock those pores, and always cover your forehead when using hair products.
Acne on Your Cheeks
There are several reasons for getting acne on your cheeks. Most of them are due to dirty phones, dirty pillows, and touching your face. When you put a dirty phone to your face or sleep on a dirty pillow it transfers bacteria to your face.
Cleaning your smartphone and pillow cases can decrease the acne on your cheeks. Acne on the chin and jaw are caused by hormones. A disruption in your endocrine systems causes a large amount of androgens activates oil glands which causes your pores to become clogged. Menstrual cycles and poor diets are also common causes of acne on the chin and jaw.
Got Acne Around Your Mouth? Here’s Why
Acne around your mouth can be caused by the toothpaste and mouth products you buy. Some toothpastes have ingredients that cause your pores to become clogged and possibly lead to acne. This problem can be solved by evaluating the toothpaste and fluoride products you are purchasing.
Other Skincare Tips and Ideas to Try
1. To care for those irritating large pimples, a simple trick to shrink them is to apply diaper rash cream to the infected area.
2. Coconut oil is a great way to get all of the makeup off of your face. Not getting all of the makeup off of your face at night can clog your pores overnight, but applying coconut oil before bed gets it all gone.
3. Increasing the work of your exfoliator and cleanser opens your pores, which is the key to refrain from getting acne.
4. Oil causes acne, and having oily skin is a sign that your skin is dehydrated. A simple solution to solving this problem is by hydrating your skin with the right oils. Using oil shows your skin that it is in no need of oil, so the skin doesn't produce as much.
5. Stress is another cause of acne, so a simple ten-minute walk or yoga is a great cure for stress.
6. Splashing tea on your face is another solution to calm your skin.
7. Another skin care trick is using Epson salt in the bath. Daily we are associated with environmental toxins, which get into our skin. Soak in a bath with Epson salt for 20 minutes for an easy solution.
8. Dandruff shampoo is a quick solution to a dry and flaky scalp.
9. If you used too much perfume, place some alcohol on a cotton ball and wipe down the area – this will help remove the sticky perfume texture and scent.
10. An easy trick for sensitive skin is to soak a wash cloth in milk with ice cubes, wring it out, and let it sit on your face for at least ten minutes or more.