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Things to Eat for Beautiful Skin 

You may think beautiful skin only happens for a few lucky people, but you can have nice skin, too. You have to exfoliate, use sunscreen, and you have to know what to eat, which is what the following is going to help with.

Always Stay Hydrated

One of the most important things to consume is water. This doesn't mean sodas, beers, or other types of liquids. Your skin needs to be hydrated to improve its appearance. Hydration does a lot for your skin, like it helps improve elasticity, which ends up reducing the chances of developing premature wrinkles.

You should also keep in mind that the skin glow you've seen on movie stars is thanks to water's ability to remove toxins. Toxins can make your skin look dull, and no one wants that. Drinking enough water will also reduce blemishes, acne, and even help reduce the size of your pores, so stick to water whenever possible.

Use a Smart Supplement

Collagen is one of the most important components of skin cells. For the most part, they are produced by your skin if you eat a well balanced meal, but as you age, collagen production starts to slow down. You will have to work on making sure you give your body a collagen boost when you need it, and you can do that with collagen powder.

This supplement can be easily put in all sorts of foods, like soups, coffee, drinks, smoothies, and many other foods. The reason you are doing this is because collagen helps improve elasticity, and that fights premature wrinkles. It should also be pointed out that the collagen powder along with the water your drinking may help reduce the chances of experiencing dry skin.

Stick to Low-Glycemic Foods

Sugar, especially unprocessed sugars or raw honey, can be good for you since they help you feel more energetic throughout the day, but moderation is key. The problem is that most people eat overly processed sugars and foods with a high-glycemic number, which is not good. You should cut processed sugar out of your diet, and eat low-glycemic fruits, such as berries and other tart fruits.

The reason you are doing this is because a high sugar diet is bad for the skin because it causes collagen to breakdown prematurely. This means your skin will look stiff, and you may even begin to age prematurely. Consuming overly processed sugar can also lead to inflammation, and that could make it harder for your skin to retain moisture.

Follow the Color of the Skin

Nature has a funny way of telling what you should be eating, like how walnuts look like a brain, and they happen to be one of the best nuts for brain health. The same thing goes for foods that are good for your skin. What you want to seek out are colorful foods, especially the ones that mimic the color of your skin, like sweet potatoes or carrots.

Both vegetables contain ingredients that help reduce blemishes and also strengthen collagen production. Yes, there are a number of skin tones out there, so the type of food you can consume is pretty versatile because you can even eat eggplants, which contain a lot antioxidants that help fight the free radicals in your skin that cause premature wrinkles.

These are just some of the foods you need to keep in mind if you want to make sure your skin looks as flawless as it can.