Why Vaccines Are Essential For Travelers
People have several things to consider when they start planning vacations, business trips, and other kinds of trips. These include destination, accommodation, itinerary, mode of transportation, and many others. However, no one seems to remember one crucial area: travel vaccinations.
With the level at which man’s evolution has gotten to, travel vaccinations have become a critical requirement for any trip outside one’s country. After one’s passport, another crucial document required today is a travel vaccination card or record. While many travelers find this annoying and an inconvenience at times, what many do not know is that travel vaccinations play vital roles in ensuring that you enjoy your trip without any hitch.
For those wondering why travel vaccinations are a necessity, especially during global health crises, this article will give in-depth reasons why these vaccinations matter and why they are essential for travelers worldwide.
What Are Travel Vaccines?
Travel vaccines are specific and special immunizations administered to travelers before embarking on trips to some regions or countries to protect them from acquiring and contracting life-threatening diseases.
They are just like your regular vaccines but are formulated to combat severe infections and diseases that you can be exposed to in another country or region. To get the shots, travelers must visit registered and recognized health clinics or travel clinics to avoid cases of vaccine administration gone wrong, like an incorrect intramuscular injection that can lead to severe consequences.
Travel vaccines are divided into three categories:
Routine Vaccines – These vaccine types are the standard immunizations found in most countries' health programs. Routine vaccines include those for tetanus, measles, mumps, hepatitis B, rubella, H. influenza B, diphtheria, polio, and pertussis. Other countries also require vaccines for HPV, varicella, and rotavirus.
Recommended Vaccines – Recommended vaccines are those given to travelers going to specific countries or regions where there is a high risk of exposure to and contracting a specific disease. These are also known to prevent the spread of certain diseases and illnesses to other countries or areas. These vaccines include those for hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and rabies. Another vaccine added to the list is to combat Japanese encephalitis for travelers flying to specific Asian regions. There is also a vaccine for tick-borne encephalitis for travelers who wish to see the Baltic states and Russia.
Required Vaccines – Required vaccines often have international certifications as proof that one has taken them. They are a priority for international trips to anywhere in the world, and the vaccines in this list include those for yellow fever, polio, and meningococcal disease. For travelers headed to the African and most South and Central American regions, yellow fever immunization is a must.
Why Are Vaccines Essential For Travelers?
Now that we know what travel vaccines are and the various types required, let’s get to why they are essential in the first place.
1. Prevents Contracting Diseases
When visiting another country, you are exposed to an environment you are not used to, so the air concentration is different and some food items may upset your stomach. Hence, your body would require time to adapt to the new environment and changes. As everything is new to you as regards what the place offers, so are the surroundings and other conditions your body and its immune system are trying to get accustomed to as the days unfold.
When traveling to new destinations, your body is exposed to a variety of diseases that you are not accustomed to fighting. For example, many explorers in the past died from malaria in the African countries as well as the South and Central American regions. Being new to the environment, they have not built antibodies to fight malaria while many natives were able to survive as it was their home environment. Had they been vaccinated with the malaria vaccine, they would have survived, too.
One of the many reasons travel vaccines are essential is to help build your body's immune system to produce antibodies and fight such infections and life-threatening diseases \while in a new country.
2. Prevents The Spread Of Diseases
As we are all aware, the world has had to battle a coronavirus pandemic that has shaken the foundation of medicine and medical advancements. With the outbreak of the virus, we found out that some people may contract the virus and not display any symptoms or be affected by it, but they could carry and spread the virus to others around them.
Before the coronavirus, smallpox was a menace to the Aztecs. Others like the Spanish flu and Ebola have also spread in various regions partly because of travelers. The containment of coronavirus is yet to happen, but normalcy in most countries has returned because of vaccinations. People can now travel as long as they are vaccinated and pose no risk of spreading the virus where they are going.
Thus, travel vaccines are designed to protect one from contracting and spreading disease.
3. Saves Money On Health Care
Travel vaccines save you from being stuck in another country with a life-threatening disease and spending a fortune to be treated. Immunization protects you from diseases (or at least it won't lead to severe cases), allowing you to enjoy your trip without unplanned health expenses.
Although travel vaccines come at a cost, they are not even a quarter as expensive as a full-blown emergency treatment in a foreign country would cost you as a foreigner without a healthcare package.
Travel vaccines may sound like an annoying requirement when traveling, but they are life-saving steps that are worth every penny so you can enjoy any trip outside your country to the fullest. Therefore, before you embark on any adventure, ensure you consult with your travel health specialist with complete details about your destination, itinerary, and other pertinent information. Know the right travel vaccines to take for a safe and disease-free experience. So, whether you’re traveling for work or pleasure, ensure your protection with vaccines. Moreover, keep yourself healthy throughout your stay in the place you’re going to be for a while.